Terry Kung

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My social media: @jbkingaling (Instagram) jkingthing.com

Current city, state, country: Charlotte, NC, USA

My profession: Business Development, Mergers & Acquisitions in the food and beverage industry

Describe your daily routine before the pandemic and during: I wake up, make oatmeal or yogurt and granola, exercise, protein shake, and go to work. During the pandemic, this has remained the exact same! I work in food and beverage product production so it's considered an "essential" industry because we supply grocery stores.

This pandemic makes me feel like: We're more vulnerable than we think.

This pandemic makes me think: Cash is King.

This pandemic makes me hope/pray for: It makes me hope that people take science more seriously and pray for the people who are losing their jobs or even their lives/loved ones.

If I had three wishes during this pandemic: This is going to sound ridiculous, but I try not to focus on desires. I wish we could all be happier.

What I think of the federal government’s response: I voted for Trump, and I've been very disappointed with his response. Not only did he refuse to acknowledge the risks early on, but he also is now considering short-term economic benefit over long-term public safety. I'm not a "Trump supporter", but it is what it is.

Before this pandemic, my plans for the next 6 months were: Crush business, make money, hit some mountain and beach vacations with family and friends.

What I have in my fridge/freezer and pantry: Hummus. Wasabi Almonds. Popcorn. Grapes. Pistachio Gilato. Egg whites. In no particular order.

Predictions for when this will get better/end? Depends on the policy response. Get better in the summer and rear its head again in the winter.

Creative things to do with kids: Tell or write stories. Throw a ball. Cook. Color/draw/paint. Exercise. Dress up. Make music/songs.

General advice/thoughts/anxieties to share with others: I saw a great quote the other day, and I can't even tell you who said it: “If you can forge ahead with all that joy and heartache mixed inside of you, never knowing which one is going to get the upper hand, well life does have a way of shaking out to be more beautiful than tragic.” - unknown


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