Glenn Alan
Current city, state, country: San Carlos, CA, USA
My profession: Retired
Describe your daily routine before the pandemic and during: Prayers, spiritual reading. meditation, breakfast; playing accordion, online chess, reading.
This pandemic makes me feel like: I need to tune into the present moment and flow
This pandemic makes me think: We are very lucky compared to most people
This pandemic makes me hope/pray for: Bringing people together and Trump not getting re-elected
If I had three wishes during this pandemic: The country not getting into a Depression; my wife and I weathering out this crisis, staying healthy; developing a vaccine with FDA approval before the end of the year.
What I think of the federal government’s response: Way too little and too late but I am still hopeful .
Before this pandemic, my plans for the next 6 months were: Getting back to playing golf; reading novels regularly; growing spiritually.
What I have in my fridge/freezer and pantry: Lots of tea, fresh fruits and veggies; a variety of proteins
Ways I’m coping: Doing a variety of things to exercise my brain and my body
Predictions for when this will get better/end? Have no idea but it would be nice to end in time for the NFL to resume playing football this fall
General advice/thoughts/anxieties to share with others: In the future, we will look back on this period and see all the good that came out of it.