My Social media: Twitter: @planetpremrock IG: @premock
Current city, state, country: New York City
My profession: Bartender/Musician
This pandemic makes me feel like: There is an equal but opposite reaction that is borne during any tragedy and calamity. I feel sadness and anxiety like the next person but seeing the silver lining is something I hope to convey to someone who might need it.
This pandemic makes me think: We are paying for taking things lightly as an entire people. This will not leave any walk of life unscathed and that's terrifying but at the same time the resilience we display may be part of the antidote.
This pandemic makes me hope/pray for: Universal Health Care and a system in place that doesn't leave the working class scrambling for their livelihood. A better allocation of funding in general.
If I had Three Wishes: 1.) Containment and subsequent vaccination. 2.) Trump resigns 3.) A sweeping regulation ensuring nobody dies due to their poverty.
What I think of the federal government’s response: Shameful ineptitude. Hard to find the words to describe such an administration bereft of morality or even baseline competence.
Before this pandemic, my plans for the next 6 months were: Various small trips, very steady employment and brief music tours. Completing projects in remote recording studios and seeing more of the world as much as my art would allow.
Predictions for when this will get better/end: I think it will begin to improve on a day to day level in 6-8 weeks. A complete return to normalcy feels much more complicated. We are in for a bumpy Spring.
What I have in my fridge/freezer and pantry: Coffee, pasta, chicken, cheese, eggs, bacon, Various beers, red wine, edibles. I'm not veggie but beyond sausage with eggs is dope! and a longer shelf life.
Ways I’m coping: Staying in shape. Listening to music I had always intended to but never had the time. Whole discographies in fact. Getting a jump on projects I meant to begin months ago, writing ideas down and naturally binging TV.
General advice/thoughts/anxieties to share with others: Check in on each other. We are all dealing with a general sense of dread but I have a feeling there is always an equal positive opportunity on the other side of this. It will get worse but it will also pass. It's a chance to examine yourself and the way you interacted with the world around you. There is a lot to learn from this. Also, do not feel pressured to create something great if you are indeed a creative. Let it come, take care of self first.