Maren Ellingboe King
My social media: @marenkiersti.
Current city, state, country: Richmond, CA, USA
My profession: Editor & Food Stylist
This pandemic makes me feel like: Uncertain, scared, sad for both the state of the world and for everyone who is losing loved ones, work, money and more from this virus.
This pandemic makes me think: That family is more important than ever. That after all of this ends we will never again take things like dinners with friends, going to restaurants, public school, the ability to travel and so much more for granted.
This pandemic makes me hope/pray for: A better world than the one we used to live in. That our doctors, nurses and medical staff will get the equipment and care that they need. That we will come together as a society and help the ones who need it the most.
What I think of the federal government’s response: I'm glad to see that they are finally stepping up their response, but I think it's far too late to mitigate the worst. We will just have to see what plays out in the coming weeks and months.
Before this pandemic, my plans for the next 6 months were: Moving back home to Minnesota, selling our house, finding a new job.
Predictions for when this will get better/end: 6 months at least.
What I have in my fridge/freezer and pantry: Eggs, rice, hot sauce, vegetables, wine.
Ways I’m coping: Cooking. Reading. Long walks. Stepping away from the news.
General advice/thoughts/anxieties to share with others: It's ok to take a break from the news, whether to escape into nature or into a book or movie. It's ok too if you aren't being "productive"—in these unprecedented times, there is no business as usual, and sometimes just getting through the day is productive enough.