Blake Nelson

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Current city, state, country: Boulder, CO, USA

My profession: Personal Trainer

This pandemic makes me feel like: I am glad my wife and I have made choices that prepared us for this challenge.

This pandemic makes me think: This is a good opportunity to learn in a new environment. A change of context is an opportunity for growth.

This pandemic makes me hope/pray for: I hope that the damage to my community is minimized and that we all come out of it stronger.

If I had Three Wishes: 1. That my family and friends make it through stronger than before. 2. That the damage is minimal and short lived. 3. That we all learn how to be more resilient and flexible through this challenge.

What I think of the federal government’s response: It is hard to know how to respond to an unprecedented event. I think that governor's and local governments are doing well, but I feel the federal response is shortsighted and lacking leadership.

Before this pandemic, my plans for the next 6 months were: Grow my business, take an extended honeymoon. These plans haven't changed in any important way, even though the specifics remain flexible.

Predictions for when this will get better/end: When the weather warns up and flu season ends, financial challenges will continue for a year or more.

What I have in my fridge/freezer and pantry: In the freezer: lots of good meat. In the pantry: rice and beans

Ways I’m coping: I focus on what I can control, stay physically active and try to keep a sense of routine.

General advice/thoughts/anxieties to share with others: Don't let the panic take over. Humanity has survived much darker times than this.


Maren Ellingboe King


H. Ernest Chen