Warren aka Fern
Social media/website: Took a break from social media.
Current city, state, country: Oakland, CA, USA
My profession: Teacher
This pandemic makes me feel like: Both thrilled and hesitant. I'm learning about my own self motivation, dedication and commitment as a husband, father and teacher.
This pandemic makes me think: Actually makes me realize I am ultimately accountable for myself and my choices. I can choose to live in fear or I can choose to live the best life I can. I can't blame others for my situation. This is also what I hope to pass on to my daughter and my students.
This pandemic makes me hope/pray for: Us taking better care of ourselves, each other, and nature. We either all win, or we all lose.
If I had Three Wishes: Unknown. Wishes are nice, but if I am not willing to work for them, I'm just wasting time.
What I think of the federal government’s response: Not hopeful for either party. Maybe this is making me realize our government has its own self interests.
Predictions for when this will get better/end: You could argue it already has gotten better (no traffic, air seems cleaner, people realize how connected we all are)
What I have in my fridge/freezer and pantry: Nothing in my opinion, is a must have. Have to adapt to what we can get.
Ways I’m coping: Working out, connecting with family and friends, thinking about the positive things in my life.
Creative things to do with kids: I'm not sure, but technology is prevalent at the moment. Nothing however beats feeling air and sun on the body.
General advice/thoughts/anxieties to share with others: As Mr. Rogers said, "In times of crisis, look for helpers.”