Thor Benson

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Current city, state, country: New Orleans, LA, USA

My profession: Journalist

Describe your daily routine before the pandemic and during: I work from home, so the only thing that's really changed is how I spend my evenings. I rarely went out during the day even when I wasn't working before this. I used to go out and hang with friends most evenings at bars, music venues and elsewhere before the pandemic. Now I'm mostly staying at home or going over to my sister's house to hang out.

This pandemic makes me feel like: I'm bored more than usual, but I'm mostly content. I've just accepted that this is something we're dealing with for now.

This pandemic makes me think: That we need to spend a lot more money on scientific research.

This pandemic makes me hope/pray for: A better president.

If I had Three Wishes: The pandemic ends and I get to go visit foreign countries and write about my experiences.

What I think of the government’s response: On the federal level, it's been atrocious. I'm happy to see governors and mayors stepping up.

Recommendations for TV shows, movies, books or podcasts: I've found a lot of people have been watching what I call "comfort shows." These are shows you've seen before that make you feel like you're in less of a precarious situation when you rewatch them. For me, those shows have been Frasier, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm and some others.

Before this pandemic, my plans for the next 6 months were: I was going to save up to take a trip to South America in the summer.

Predictions for when this will get better/end: I think we'll be in a better situation by the end of May, but we need to be careful about how we move forward from there.

What I have in my fridge/freezer and pantry: I've never been able to live without eggs and that hasn't changed.

Ways I’m coping: Avoiding the news, listening to music, biking, working out, breathing exercises, some booze, calling friends, hanging with my foster dog.

General advice/thoughts/anxieties to share with others: Don't forget to take care of your mental health. Unplug now and then.


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