Compared to six months ago, I think:

  •  Things will be getting better

  • The population needs to calm down and believe in facts and science.

  • There is no plan in place to keep people safe

  • we have squandered an opportunity to learn and develop strategies to handle pandemics

  • Gods in control and I just have to trust

  • We have to take this as a wake up call.

  • My priorities have refocused.

  • Californians seem to be handling this pandemic well but there are homeless people everywhere which has been even bigger problem than before the virus!

  • We will get rid of Trump soon

  • This whole pandemic could have either been avoided or dramatically reduced had we listened to experts/science and been more vigilant and proactive as a nation. Also feeling frustrated by the lack of significant changes in our racial injustices and ongoing protests. Breonna Taylor's verdict was infuriating and depressing. I had hoped that would have mad things better... slightly.

  • I am less sure of a good outcome in our election.

  • we need more than ever to acknowledge that climate change is real and we need to find a meaningful way to address it.

  • Biden has a better chance

  • I'm not sure how long this "democracy" will stand-- and not sure if going back to the way things were pre-T**** is a good idea either

  • The world is seriously fucked!

  • citizen participation is critical

  • That Trump is a dictator who must be removed from office.

  • The world has never had so many bad actors "in charge."

  • We are in for a very long, dangerous time.

  • I’m more relaxed. In the beginning of Covid I wouldn’t go to grocery store or do anything such as walking or going out for a meal with friends. I’m now doing these things.

  • A couple things. We've shown that we are adaptable. Things that seemed unthinkable are now manageable or even normal. But on the other hand, I think there a lot of ways we've become even more divided. Whoever or whatever you want to blame it on, the past 6 months have exposed and widened some pretty deep schisms in our society.

  • Trumpism has led to even worse demonstrable idiocy and extremism, e.g., refusing to wear masks as a political statement despite science, unchallenged white supremacy groups, overt racism and xenohopia, suppression of civil rights, divisiveness, violence, etc.

  • That we'll be living with this for a long time.

  • The pandemic is going to affect our lives for much longer than I realized six months ago; I am more privileged than I knew six months ago; I think more negative and anxious thoughts than six months ago.

  • The election can not come soon enough

  • People are resilient but our country lacks strong, capable, intelligent and honest leadership

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Compared to six months ago, I feel:


Recommendations for TV shows/movies/podcasts/games: