Paul Chapman

This pandemic makes me feel like: The world as we have known it is experiencing a dramatic and potentially long-lasting transformation in every aspect, socially, economically, politically.

This pandemic makes me think: Of the 1918 pandemic, and the fact that when I taught American history and focused on the catastrophic impact of WWI I made only passing mention of that epidemic that took 20 million lives globally, over 650,000 in the US; we can learn from the past.

This pandemic makes me hope/pray for: A dramatic improvement in the global pandemic forecast so that many lives will be saved, especially among those most vulnerable; and that our nation’s 132,000 K-12 schools and their 60 million staff and students can return to normal operations.

If I had Three Wishes: That family, friends and communities across the country and around the global might be spared the worst ravages from the pandemic, 2. That the federal government significantly accelerate its efforts to direct policy response at the national level, 3. That the move from “severe restrictions” to a more targeted “test and quarantine” approach can begin shortly as these programs ramp up.

Before this pandemic, my plans for the next 6 months were: Flying to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to visit my son and his family, who had just moved there on assignment to address legal/environmental justice issues and a big health, education and welfare project for children; they evacuated to California recently and will be here for some time before they can resume their efforts.

What I have in my fridge/freezer and pantry: We stocked up for three weeks and are fortunate to have enough food.

Creative things to do with kids: Spending time in nature is a tonic.

General advice/thoughts/anxieties to share with others: Keep calm and carry on!


Will Houghteling


Abby Lawrence