Benjamin J. Falik
My social media: @thejulialewis
Current city, state, country: Los Angeles, CA, USA
My profession: Musician
Describe your daily routine before the pandemic and during: Jammin bro. now its less jammin goin on.
This pandemic makes me feel: Hopeless.
This pandemic makes me think: people are idiots.
This pandemic makes me hope/pray for: People who have lost jobs.
If I had Three Wishes: Bigger stimulus, people would stay home, this could end sooner
What I think of the government’s response: Late, pedantic, focused on the economy not saving lives
Predictions for when this will get better/end: I have no idea about the quarantine, but the effects of COVID-19 will be felt for years to come.
What I have in my fridge/freezer and pantry: Cinnamon toast crunch.
Ways I’m coping: Weed, exercise, facetiming freinds.
General advice/thoughts/anxieties to share with others: Beyond the economic toll of the pandemic, let's not forget the emotional toll it's taking on people of all ages around the world.